Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ha Ha Halloween

Trick or treating in El Paso is something that everyone should experience just once in their lifetime.  First of all, no one...and I mean NO ONE...around you speaks English.  It is truly like being in a foreign country.  Second, did you know that people actually trick or treat from their CARS?  Yes, the cars roll along on the road, the kids hop out at a house with a light on, and then hop back in.  I was truly afraid the boys would get run over at any second.  Millions of cars everywhere.  And the sheer number of people around you is overwhelming.  At one point we got caught up in a MOB of at least 50 people where the majority of the trick or treaters were ADULTS!!!  I am not kidding.  It is an experience I don't think I will ever forget nor will be ever replicated outside of El Paso.

A few pics...
Shameus (aka Collin)
Santino (aka Caden)
John Cena (aka Caleb)

WWE has come to town!!!

with Caleb's "friend," Grace

The Boo Crew

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tough People Do...


                                                                "Tough People Do"
                                                           (As sung by Trace Adkins)
Back in '39 she was 26
The wife of a soldier tryin' to raise four kids
On rationed out beans and watered down milk
Tryin' to keep 'em all warm with a patchwork quilt
That great depression ended about 1945
But grandma lived to be 92
See, tough times don't last
Tough people do

Tough people pull themselves up by the bootstraps
When they hit hard luck
And they stay strong and they keep on fightin'
Like they don't know how to lose
Tough times don't last
Tough people do

Those talkin' heads on CNN
Say we'll never get out of this hole we're in
The price of gas is up and the market's down
And there's a bunch of empty houses in every town
Well, I'd interrupt that program with a little headline of my own
This just in from the old red, white and blue
Tough times don't last
Tough people do

Tough people pull themselves up by the bootstraps
When they hit hard luck
And they stay strong and they keep on fightin'
Like they don't know how to lose
Tough times don't last
Tough people do

I've been out of work since mid July
My bank account's about bone dry
Been lookin' for a job no luck so far
But I bought a little time when I sold my car
Well, I'll go dig a ditch if that's what it takes
Baby, somehow or another we'll get through

Tough times don't last
Tough times don't last
Tough people do
Tough people do

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Leaving On A Jet Plane

The dreaded day finally arrived.  Lots of kisses, lots of tears.

Some Day 1 excerpts:
       *"How many days do you think you're going to cry like this?" (Caleb to  
      "I am at least a 10 - 15 day cry" (Clay to Caleb)
      "I bet you $20 I don't cry" (Clay to Caleb)
      "Easy bet!" (Caleb to Clay as they shake on it)
                  ...  And Caleb pocketed the $20 quickly.
      *"Saying "Goodbye" to your family for a year SUCKS!"  (Clay's Facebook  
        post as he waited for his flight.)

      *Finally got boys in bed for the evening and Collin comes in and says 
        "Caden is crying causes he wants Dad to kiss him goodnight."  I go lay 
         down with him and ask if I can kiss on him and he responds with a 
         shrug and an "I guess so."

      * Getting in our bed by myself was a sad experience.  I got back up 
         immediately and decided to sleep on the couch.  

Day 2:   We all did well getting up and getting ready for school.  Everyone took their jobs seriously.  Caden fed Cricket, Caleb fixed water bottles and turned off all electrical items, and Collin fixed breakfast for everyone.  As we were gathering our things, Caden dropped his new US ARMY water bottle and the top broke.  A huge wail came out of the kitchen, but was soon soothed when I found the super glue.  School went well for us all.  Dinner was McDonalds.  (Not proud of that one.)

Day 3:  Morning routine went well again.  I had the Kinder field trip (fun but tiring) and the two little boys went home with the Watsons to do homework and so I could get a few things done in my classroom.  Found out report cards are due Friday.  Nice.  Gotta get to work on those.  Dinner was Taco Bell.  We got to Facetime with Clay cause he woke up at 3:45am and couldn't sleep.  He was able to get an internet connection!!!!  He looked great and we got to see his room and things. Gotta get the pictures developed for him and sent to him quickly!!!

(So now I am all caught up. I promised Nana I would write/blog about our time, so here goes.) 

The Deployment News

We spent a weekend lying in the sun, swimming in the lake, listening to music, fishing (not me), and just generally having a relaxing time.  Sunday evening was coming to a close and the boys were starting to scatter for a little screen time and Clay asked them to come back that we needed to have a family meeting.  We all look at him like he had three heads but everyone came back and took a seat around the campfire.  Clay began to explain about his new job and then landed his bombshell of announcement:  "I am moving to my new job at the beginning of October and they are sending me to Kuwait for a year."  No one moved for about 10 seconds and then Collin burst out in tears and tried to curl up on his chair, Caleb got up and went in the camper and slammed the door, and Caden got up and walked down to the water and started to throw rocks.  And that was the good part.  The evening turned emotionally worse for all of us.  Many hugs later and promises that everyone was going to be ok and we all decided to turn in for the night.  Clay and I did not sleep at all. 
We managed to move on and alternated between bliss (forgetfulness) and sadness (remembering).  Clay worked a final week at JTF-North and then went on leave for two weeks.  The boys each had a special day with Clay.  He checked them out of school and took them to lunch and then what ever they wanted to do.  Caden wanted IHOP and then Adventure Zone, Caleb wanted Red Lobster and then Bowling, and Collin wanted Buffalo Wild Wings and then the movies.  I also took off a day and got to spend Clay's birthday with him, including watching him get his PCS award - A Defense Meritorious Service Medal.  We moved into survival mode and enjoyed spending lots of quality time with Clay.  On October 9 we found out Clay would be leaving on the 14th.  Sad, sad day.  
Caden's special day was IHOP and go-carts. 
Collin's special day was BWW and at the movies.
Caleb's special day included Red Lobster Cheese Biscuits and bowling.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Easy Sunday

The boys and I went to the movies today. We went to see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island.  It was good, but I had to keep reminding myself that it was a kids movie and to not be too critical. :)

When we got home, I got to work on the boys Valentines.  I printed out the cards on the computer and then they eached helped with the activities for their friends.    

Caden and Collin helped me peel 1000 crayons, cut them up, put them in the molds, and heat them up to make the heart-shaped crayons. Tomorrow we will tape them onto the cards.

Caleb helped me put the connectors onto the bracelet glow sticks and then attach them to his cards.  We had a few to pop tonight so all the boys had a great time "glowing" as they went to bed. 

Fake Bon Jovi

We went to see fake Bon Jovi (aka Wanted: A Bon Jovi Tribute Band).  It was fun, but I had to stay out way too late - 11:00pm!!!  I could barely keep my eyes open the next day at school. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Room by Room

I have finally had enough.  I could not take anymore of the clutter.  Clay and I completely took apart the den and then decided we needed to go shopping.  Many hours and a whole lot of money later we made it home with...

my new teal leather chair with a matching ottoman, a fabulous oil painting, candleholders with teal candles, 2 new lamps, new pillows for the couch. 

It is amazing how happy a cute little teal leather chair could make someone.  :)

Up next...a new bedroom for C2 and C3

Sunday, January 22, 2012


The Goff boys new favorite pasttime is hiking. So far, they have hiked up to Mundy's Gap and the Indian caves in the Franklin Mountain State Park and Hueco Tanks in the Hueco Tanks State Park. Last year, I was able to go with them, but this year due to the sprained/fractured ankle I am on the sidelines (well, getting my nails done and going to a "thirty-one party.") I am so proud of all of them!  Clay said they all had moments of bravado and moments of doubt, but they each made it to the top!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Hour

Allison had "Army Friends" come in to town from Ft. Hood:  "Little Kari" who is an Army spouse and her adorable 3 yr old little girl, Emory; Nannette, whose son was killed in the Iraq war and a part of the Woodward's unit at the time, and Brandie who lives on the NE side of EP now.  Myself, Heather, and Bita rounded out the happy.  Lots of conversations about military life, deployments, pain, heartache, etc and lots of laughs over gummy bears and cocktails.  We had a great time!!!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rain in El Paso?!?!?

Cold and rainy(?!?!?!) day in El Paso...makes me want to do nothing!
I finally got some of my Christmas decorations down.  Not finished yet, but at least I started!!!

My eyes are swollen underneath, making the bags that reside there larger than normal.  Yep, I am looking pretty!!!

The boys made a new neighborhood friend that rode bikes and scooters with them outisde.  Caden was very happy. 

Going to grill steaks tonight...Caleb asked if he could fix himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I said as long as he did it himself I didn't care what he made. 

One of my new years resolutions is to sit when my family is sitting.  I don't know how long I can keep up with that one.  I have been on the couch or chair for over 48 hours now.  My butt is hurting. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First trip to ER

Well today was my first trip to the ER in 2012. I fell while having a GREAT time snow tubing in Ruidoso, NM. After going back to school this week, my ankle began hurting even worse and my fear was that I had broken it. I decided to just go get it checked out. It ends up that it is just a small hairline fracture, but they are treating it like a sprain! Yay!!! That meant no cast for me!!!

Clay and I made a bet as to what time I would be back home...and he won. I figured I would be there all day, but lucky for me, I was in and out pretty quickly. I was back home within 3 hours from the time I left. Now that was a record!!!

I took a picture of my ankle to document the swelling and bruising, but after seeing what my foot and ankle looked like, I have decided it was diet time. Again. Ugh.

So here is to 2012, big ankles and all!!!