Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Leaving On A Jet Plane

The dreaded day finally arrived.  Lots of kisses, lots of tears.

Some Day 1 excerpts:
       *"How many days do you think you're going to cry like this?" (Caleb to  
      "I am at least a 10 - 15 day cry" (Clay to Caleb)
      "I bet you $20 I don't cry" (Clay to Caleb)
      "Easy bet!" (Caleb to Clay as they shake on it)
                  ...  And Caleb pocketed the $20 quickly.
      *"Saying "Goodbye" to your family for a year SUCKS!"  (Clay's Facebook  
        post as he waited for his flight.)

      *Finally got boys in bed for the evening and Collin comes in and says 
        "Caden is crying causes he wants Dad to kiss him goodnight."  I go lay 
         down with him and ask if I can kiss on him and he responds with a 
         shrug and an "I guess so."

      * Getting in our bed by myself was a sad experience.  I got back up 
         immediately and decided to sleep on the couch.  

Day 2:   We all did well getting up and getting ready for school.  Everyone took their jobs seriously.  Caden fed Cricket, Caleb fixed water bottles and turned off all electrical items, and Collin fixed breakfast for everyone.  As we were gathering our things, Caden dropped his new US ARMY water bottle and the top broke.  A huge wail came out of the kitchen, but was soon soothed when I found the super glue.  School went well for us all.  Dinner was McDonalds.  (Not proud of that one.)

Day 3:  Morning routine went well again.  I had the Kinder field trip (fun but tiring) and the two little boys went home with the Watsons to do homework and so I could get a few things done in my classroom.  Found out report cards are due Friday.  Nice.  Gotta get to work on those.  Dinner was Taco Bell.  We got to Facetime with Clay cause he woke up at 3:45am and couldn't sleep.  He was able to get an internet connection!!!!  He looked great and we got to see his room and things. Gotta get the pictures developed for him and sent to him quickly!!!

(So now I am all caught up. I promised Nana I would write/blog about our time, so here goes.) 


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