Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rain in El Paso?!?!?

Cold and rainy(?!?!?!) day in El Paso...makes me want to do nothing!
I finally got some of my Christmas decorations down.  Not finished yet, but at least I started!!!

My eyes are swollen underneath, making the bags that reside there larger than normal.  Yep, I am looking pretty!!!

The boys made a new neighborhood friend that rode bikes and scooters with them outisde.  Caden was very happy. 

Going to grill steaks tonight...Caleb asked if he could fix himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I said as long as he did it himself I didn't care what he made. 

One of my new years resolutions is to sit when my family is sitting.  I don't know how long I can keep up with that one.  I have been on the couch or chair for over 48 hours now.  My butt is hurting. 


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