The holidays have been great!!!!Ashleey, Jonathan, Ellie and Lawson left at around 7:30 this morning. Clay took Mama June to the airport at 8:30. Lisa, Dave, Zack and Olivia were also able to come for several days. He was really sad for all of them to leave. It was great watching him be so happy with all of them here and it seemed being with his family really rejuvenated him. I am thankful they sacrificed their holidays at home to be with us.
Football was on by 10. It is now 2:30 and he is still on the couch finishing the second game of the day. C2, C3PO, and I are all still in our
pjs. C1 got dressed for some reason. I think he just wanted to wear his new Harley shirt.
I have managed to wash a couple of loads of laundry and taken down the decorations upstairs, but just
corralled them into one centrally located room, so they aren't packed up yet. I may be able to
eventually get the clothes put away, but who knows? One of my resolutions...when there is time to rest, to truly enjoy it.
Going out to dinner tonight. We came up with Cracker
Barrel so that Clay can get cornbread and black eyed peas. C1 asked why he was going to get music at Cracker B
arrel. Clay told him that they were a vegetable, too...not just singers.
My thoughts of the day - Jeremiah 29(ish) " I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed."